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Discover a new side of Tokyo through walking!

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Nishitokyo City [Highlight]
Sakura Park

[F] Homestead woodland and farms course

Route Description

Higashi-Fushimi Sta. North Exit→Fujimachi 3-chome intersection→Takatsuka intersection→Torikubo bus stop→Sakura Park→Promenade Higashi-fushimi→Higashi Fushimi Fureai Plaza→Higashi-Fushimi Sta. North Exit

Stroll around the homestead woodlands, of which few remain, and the paths along farms, and head for Sakura Park. You can enjoy biotope formed by a line of big cherry trees and plants along a stream.

* These are estimates given for a person, weight 60kg, moving at 4km per hour, walking 10 min.=30kcal, one step=70cm.

PDF walking mapdownload


* Some details in the PDF walking map may differ from Google Map.

* Contact regarding the PDF walking map offered on this website.
[Green Parks Division, Green Environment Department, Nishitokyo City TEL: 042-438-4045]

Other nearby courses.
